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Waxing for the first time can be daunting and  feeling nervous is quite normal! 


We've listed a host of questions that often get asked and by answering these it will hopefully clear any doubts that you may have when it comes to your waxing treatment.


Please feel free to contact SCL Beauty for any other questions or concerns that you may have.

Does waxing hurt?

Pain from waxing varies from person to person and also the area in which you are having waxed.

If you are new to waxing please let us know and we can always apply to a small area first.

The hair is removed super quick and any discomfort is only temporary.

Please note that our skin can be more sensitive whilst having a period and more discomfort may be experienced during this time!

Regular waxing becomes less painful as the hair becomes weaker and usually becomes more sparse.

If you are worried about pain and sensitivity, an ibuprofen taken an hour before your treatment may help with your comfort.


How often should I get waxed?

Depending on how fast your hair grows we recommend regular waxing approximately every 4 weeks to maintain your smooth appearance.


How long does the hair have to be to be waxed?

Your hair needs to be at least 1/4 of an inch to be removed successfully, this is about the length of a grain of rice!


How can I prevent  ingrowing hairs?

By following the proper aftercare advice, the problem of ingrowing hairs can be potentially avoided. Exfoliating the skin and removing dead skin cells will dramatically reduce the probability of ingrowing hairs. Unfortunately, some people can just be prone to this.


How long will my wax last?

Unlike shaving, you will be hair-free for a minimum of 1-2 weeks after your wax appointment as the hair is removed from the root. After this time the hair growth will increase in the 3rd and 4th week.


Can I wax if i am pregnant?

Yes you can! 


Is there a minimum age to get waxed?

If you are under the age of 16 you will need to be accompanied by a parent or guardian.


Will my skin be sore after waxing?

Slight soreness is common and only a temporary reaction. You may also notice that your skin looks red and bumpy, this is quite normal and symptoms should subside over 24-48 hours. 


Are there any reasons why I should not get waxed?

There are some reasons why you should avoid waxing -

  • If you have sunburn or are planning to be sunbathing/using sunbeds within 24 hours

  • Are receiving chemotherapy treatment

  • You have diabetes

  • Taking blood thinning medications

  • You have recently received laser skin treatment

  • Suffer with psoriasis, eczema or other chronic skin problems


How do I prep for waxing?

Exfoliate with a body scrub or mitt 3 times a week to remove dead skin cells and regularly moisurise.

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